Saturday 6 February 2010

What Is Bullying?

Bullying is such a frightening experience for anyone, imagine how a child feels when being bullied.
There are so many avenues now for bullies to target thier victims;social networking sites,text,email, school.
Most people know that bullying involves physical or emotional abuse of someone by another person who is more powerful.

That person may be stronger physically or emotionally or have a position which gives them the opportunity to dominate the victim.
A bully is not interested in a physical or mental contest. A bully acts against someone that they believe cannot or will not be able to stop them doing whatever they want to.

Bullies can make repeated attacks and demands on their victims but even a single incident can be harmful to the person that is targeted.

Bullying usually occurs when the bully tries to demonstrate that they or their group are superior in some way to the person they victimize.
They look for a target that is likely to offer little resistance and to react in a way which will make the bully feel superior.

Bullies often browse the school playground near the beginning of the year, looking for potential victims.
Most bullies seek to feed their own ego, some seek power over the victim to get them to do their bidding and a dangerous few actually enjoy hurting their victims.

But, all bullying in whatever form can and usually does inflict damage which can affect the victim and also sometimes those close to them for years.
Bullies may approach their victims in any part of the school, even in areas where adults may be present. But, most attacks occur when adults are not about.

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